MFW 059 | Do You Have Gut Integrity? | Bill Shaddle

The human gut micro-biome consists of over 100 trillion bacterial cells.

Our micro-biome has been called our 2nd brain. 

Have you ever had that "gut" feeling?  

Clinical research has shown Lactobacillus Salivarius UCC118 to be extremely effective in healing intestinal epithelial cells. 

Salivarius UCC118 not only facilitates the repair of the tight junctions, but also produces bacteriocins that discourage the growth of harmful gut microbes.   

Are you interested in having your gut microbes tested? 

Dr. Kyle is offering a complementary gut micro-biome test kit for a limited time! 

Simply reply to this email to schedule a time to pick up your complementary test kit! 

MFW 058 | How Clean Water Affects Your Health | Natalia Mendoza

MFW 058 | How Clean Water Affects Your Health | Natalia Mendoza

How Clean Water Affects Your Health

It is impossible to emphasize enough the importance of clean, purified, drinking water.  After all, our bodies are mostly water!

Healthy Habits With Clean Water

We often hear the narrative around making healthy food choices.  Things like reading ingredient labels, and avoiding additives, preservatives, sugar, and processed foods.  We need to expand this narrative to being mindful of the water we consume, its quality, its mineral content, and its affect on our health.    

Personal Application:    

Natalia shares her own health struggles and explains how electrolyte reduced water is an effective solution for a healthy family lifestyle.     

May this episode empower and encourage you.

MFW 057 | Chiropractic & Midwifery For Your Pregnancy | Anne Margolis

Chiropractic & Midwifery:

Throughout history, women have been supporting women during pregnancy and labor.  Mothers, sisters, aunts, etc would come together in a village and support the expecting mother.  

Chiropractic Rooted In Art, Science, & Philosophy

Today, many women are alone during these special times. Midwifery supports the woman having a natural experience. Midwifery, like Chiropractic, is a profession rooted in science, philosophy, and art.     

We need the standard interventions available today.  They are life saving for both mom and baby, but for woman seeking an experience to avoid interventions, combining midwifery with Chiropractic care is a great place to start.