
MFW 032 | The Power Of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy | Debbie Gordon

Debbie’s journey started years ago when her daughter was injured on the basketball court.

A licensed massage therapist began rubbing oils on her daughter, telling her about the healing properties of each oil.

What should have taken weeks to recover, only took days. Debbie was so impressed at the speed of healing that she began her journey with extensive research and education - so that she too - could help others.

After becoming certified to do body applications and Vita-Flex technique, known as “Raindrop” through CARE, Debbie continued her education by getting her Aromatherapist Certification through Aroma Hut.

Debbie is also licensed under the National Therapies Certification Board.


Debbie's Website/Social Media:






https://www.raindroptraining.com/crplist.php?country=1 (I’m listed under Burleson, TX)


Resources I love:





http://www.huffingtonpost.com/julie-chen-md/aromatherapy_b_3698319.html Scents to heal

www.googlescholar.com is an excellent way to search essential oils. Example: About 2,040,000 results (0.06 sec) https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=essential+oils&btnG=&as_sdt=1%2C44&as_sdtp=


You Tube:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFm3yA1nslE Crash Course Biology isfunny andeducational. We used this a lot at Aroma Hut

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15GZ0db1Nr8 Gary Young’s video – Don’t know if you can mention this – but it is a good video



Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils, Carolyn Mein, DC

Therapeutic Blending, Rebecca Totilo

Organic Beauty, Rebecca Totilo

Advanced Aromatherapy, Kurt Schnaubelt

MFW 031 | Baby Loss Moms Find Postpartum Peace | Laura Devine

Laura is a certified personal trainer and yoga instructor with a Bachelor's degree in dance.  

She has taught, trained, and managed at gyms and studios in New York, Chicago, and most recently Charlottesville, Virginia.  
After losing her daughter, Eve, at 40 weeks into a perfectly healthy pregnancy, Laura aspires to help other baby loss moms find postpartum peace through the practice of yoga.

Laura's Blog Website


 Laura's Blog Post While In The Hospital After Delivering Eve


MFW 017 | Dr. Jay Warren | The Benefits & Value of Chiropractic for Pregnancy & Pediatrics


MFW 020 | Bridgit Danner


Research Study Validating the Value of Chiropractic During Pregnancy


International Chiropractic Pediatric Association


MFW 030 | Elevate Your Relationships | Elise Carr

Elise Carr is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Writer, Speaker, Model, Artist and Divine Feminine Trailblazer!

With unwavering enthusiasm, fierce dedication and spirited insight, Elise guides inspirational souls on a purpose driven, passion filled mission, away from fear and dissatisfaction, and into courageous love and divine power; living life as their most authentic, nourished, & empowered selves.

Taking a ‘holistic’ approach to coaching means Elise looks at the ‘whole’, beyond the nutrition on your plate. This is a deep dive into the wellbeing of your entire life; purpose, passions, relationships with self and others.
